Abortion Research Compendium – India

Individual knowledge and agency

In a sustainable abortion ecosystem, women and girls have the accurate information and understanding to inform their reproductive health decisions, including abortion, and can act independently to make their own choices regarding abortion.

The association between intimate partner violence and recent self-managed abortion in India

2021 Sophie L Goemans,Abhishek Singh,Ajit Kumar Yadav,Lotus McDougal,Anita Raj,Sarah H Averbach

"It's a walk of shame" : Experiences of unintended pregnancy and abortion among sexual- and gender-minoritized females in urban India

2021 Jessamyn Bowling,Megan Simmons,Donna Blekfeld-Sztraky,Elizabeth Bartelt,Brian Dodge,Vikram Sundarraman,Brindaa Lakshmi,Debby Herbenick